Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I am not profound today, though it's not zeroth

Today is .... the second day of following my new year's resolutions (OK, I did not yet do the 11 minutes of exercise, but I do plan to vacuum!)..... and it's sunny, rather warm for this time of year, and I accomplished, oh, about four things on my Do-List!  I am struck or stalled by a claggy feeling ("claggy" from Monroe the British version of House, meaning to feel thick, slow, languid, & lazy) that I shall ascribe to the old effects of aging in general.   And before anyone says, "Awww...." let me direct to this upbeat take on the whole situation:  

Today is.... a day when I have to get the right DATE matched to the DAY and create a new sylly.  So I need to be able concentrate and focus.  Though I am claggy, I am not experiencing zeroth, which is the state or attitude of zero (from the 365 New Word A Day Calendar!).  I have done a bit of dishes, counter-wiping, laundry, and taken down Christmas.  I trimmed my bangs and plucked some whiskers.  And I did answer an email and set a birthday card in the outgoing mail pile.  So, things do get done --- just with less enthusiasm and energy.

Today is........ a really wonderful day.  I'm alive, sober, still breathing, loved.  I have a great stack of fascinating and fun books to read.  I own a quality vacuum cleaner.  The aphids seem to have left the amaryllis (cold coffee grounds and herbal tea bags - works every time!) and I think I saw a snow bunting!  The end of the world is, perhaps, always near:  when you fail to see the wonders of today, or the benefits of holding on until tomorrow, then it really isn't worth continuing.  It is -- every day -- a new chance to do it better.  Anne H. said last night, something like, "Even if I do it wrong, if it's the right thing, then I am doing it right."  

One very good thing about getting older is that I usually, almost always, know what is the right thing to do.

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